Monday, March 24, 2008

Groups, Please post

Please post a list of your group members, and your ideas for the group project, on your class blog.

If you do not yet have a group, look over the existing groups and see if there's one you can join.

--dr t

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Reading for Break

I just found this ( online. Stuart Moulthrop talking about Joyc'es Twelve Blue.

Read this and the Aarseth sample chapter as you consider the the question for this week:

what is narrative?

--dr t

Monday, March 3, 2008

Readings for Week 7-8

The next set of readings will be hypertext and interactive fiction from the ELC.
  • Shelley Jackson "My Body"
  • Michael Joyce "12 Blue"
  • Stuart Moulthrop "Reagan Library"
  • Emily Short "Galeatea" and "Savior Faire"